Two students go to the front of the room. A secret word is revealed to the rest of the class (Outdoor School vocabulary works well and reinforces concepts learned during the day). Students can then raise their hands to give a one-word clue to help the two students guess the secret word. The correct guesser remains at the front to play the next round, and the giver of the final clue replaces the other person at the front.
Don't get stuck with the rubber chicken (or other available prop)! All students sit in a circle, with one person holding the chicken. The teacher (or "caller") selects a category, "Name five plants at Outdoor School. Pass the chicken!" As soon as the caller says, "Pass the chicken," the chicken is passed to the right. The students quickly pass the chicken around the circle. If the chicken gets all the way around the circle before the original chicken holder can name five plants, that person is still it. Otherwise, the person stuck holding the chicken, when the list of five is complete, is the new "it." Lists always have five items.
Some Suggested Topics
Purpose: Students will learn and reinforce animal concepts and vocabulary with these activities.
Materials: Materials and supplies needed will be listed with each activity. Suggested Activities Animal Pictures and Facts
Each day at Outdoor School, teachers are responsible for their class for about an hour. Here are some ideas to fill that time constructively.
December 2030