(Similar to a RAFT with other choices besides writing activities.)
How to use this activity:
Introduce the activity by explaining the FANS acronym:
Format (What format will it take?)
Audience (To whom is the product meant for?)
Niche (Who are you? What is your role?)
Subject (Who or what is the topic?)
Pass out the matrix below, and give students time to work. Allow students to share their FANS in a two‐minute presentation. This activity is great for differentiation; teachers and students can develop new FANS based on topics that can be adjusted for skill level.
Format: Travel Guide Audience: New Water Drops Niche: Experienced Water Drop Subject: Journey through the water cycle | Format: Diary Audience: Self Niche: Salmon Subject: Story of their life | Format: Model Audience: City Niche: Scientist Subject: Riparian Habitat |
Format: Diagram Audience: Textbook Company Niche: Artist Subject: Aquatic Species | Format: Brochure Audience: Fifth Grader Niche: Sixth Grader Subject: Water Field Study | Format: Poster Audience: Elementary Schools Niche: Graphic Designer Subject: How to Conserve Water |