This is just an introduction to student management. If you can remember these ten guidelines and follow them as soon as you see students, you will be off to a great start at Outdoor School. You will learn more ideas as you meet with the Outdoor School program leaders daily.
- Ask any returning student leader and they will often tell you the biggest mistake they made was trying to be a friend, buddy or pal with their sixth grade students. There is a reason for the saying, “Be a leader before being a friend.” This is especially important when it comes to topics of conversation, language, and following the Outdoor School rules.
- If you don’t know, ASK A QUESTION AND ASK FOR HELP! First time student leaders often don’t realize that you receive a better evaluation if you know your limits and ask for help.
- Don’t be afraid to say, “NO!” If you think that an idea or behavior is inappropriate be firm and say, “NO!”
- Talk and communicate with your personal mentor (a program leader assigned to help you and your cabin through the week). Also, talk and communicate with your cabin partner if you are lucky enough to have one or two other high school students with you.
- Remember, even returning student leaders don’t know everything! That is why you meet with your personal mentor daily and you have a student leader meeting every day.
- Read the student leader expectations and policies in this handbook before you go to Outdoor School. Follow the same rules that the sixth grade student must follow.
- Use the Student Leader Handbook that you will receive when you arrive on-site. Take notes and learn the names of the students in your cabin.
- Let students know when they are doing a good job! Praise and kind words work!
- Say a personal good night to the students in your cabin when they go to bed. Use their name and use ideas from #8 above.
- Be prepared! Be positive! Be responsible!