After you have participated for one week at Outdoor School, you might enjoy visiting the site for an evening. Because each week at Outdoor School is a separate week, and very special for those people on-site at that time, we ask that you abide by some visitation rules:
- Limit your visit to the hours from dinner to the end of campfire. Plan to leave after campfire.
- Call the site ahead of time to arrange for the visit, bearing in mind that the number of Student Leaders visiting at one time is limited. YOU MUST HAVE THE PERMISSION OF THE SITE SUPERVISOR.
- If your plans change, call the site back and inform them that you will not be visiting.
- Remember that Student Leaders can visit on certain nights only. Check with the site supervisor ahead of time. The cost of dinner is $5.00 for everyone visiting.
- Please abide by all Outdoor School rules by being attentive and quiet at all activities in which you participate... remember that there are other Student Leaders there who need your support as much as you needed support when you were a Student Leader. Consequently, please don’t take part in those activities that should be done by the current group of High School Student Leaders...such as: leading songs at campfire; being guests; Student Leader meeting, and the evening social time. Remember, you are a visitor and it is not your week!
- Bear in mind that it is a regular Outdoor School week and that the staff is glad to see you, but they don’t have much spare time to sit and visit.
- The number of visits each session is at the discretion of the Site Supervisor.
- You may be turned away if you do not have prior permission from the Site Supervisor.